Progress is being made! I am close enough to the end of the alphabet in my dictionary that I regained a fervent desire to read. Part of this is surely due to my growing desire to be rid of this book. Another factor is in play as well. I did the math- if I can finish the dictionary by May 19th, 2018, then I will have read 1,600 pages in 1,600 days. Failing to achieve at least a one-page-a-day pace is unthinkable to me.
I still believe that it will get easier once I complete the letter Z. All I can do now is to prove it to myself and to those of you who have been reading along with my journey. As I’m reporting my progress monthly now, there are fewer interesting words popping up:
VERBALISM- The second definition for this word is ‘words used as if they were more important than the realities they represent.’ Nowadays they just call that social media, right?
VERRUCA- This word means a wart or a wart-like lesion. How appropriate for the namesake of Veruca Salt in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
VIGINTILLION- This word has really good flow and denotes a form of large-scale counting I had not encountered before. A score is 20. A vigintillion is 20 million.
VIOLACEOUS- This word also has very good flow, though it sounds bad. It means ‘of the color violet’ but it can also sound like it means something inviting violation. Thank goodness it’s the former and not the latter.
VODKA- This word comes from the Russian root word voda, which means water. Why doesn’t that surprise me one bit?
Page Count: 1374/1600 (85.88%)
Countdown to the Letter X: 32 pages
Countdown to the Supplementary Material: 42 pages
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