Because I just can’t get away from dictionary-esque things it seems, this book also contains a glossary of usage. It was a nice way to wrap up the useful content of the book. After that was the answers section for all the mid- and end-chapter exercises that readers can partake in. Since I used the exercises to test myself while reading, I had already read over the answers section once, allowing me to skip it.
I admit that I skimmed over the index rather than read it in earnest. I kept an eye out for any terms or topics that I either didn’t remember or wanted to take a second peak at. They were few and far between.
It is a relief to be done with another book. I finished this one in 100 days. Blasting out a reference book in that short a span of time feels good but my page-per-day count is still on the low end. Perhaps my next book or two will lift that up some more. I’ll post a review in a few days.
Page Count: 928/928 (100.00%)
Countdown to my next update: 0 pages
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